Community – Plano, TX
Our Commitment to Plano
We always take the time to get to know our patients so that we fully understand their dental needs. You can count on our team to keep you as comfortable as possible while we provide you with high-quality preventive, restorative, and cosmetic care. Whether you need urgent dental treatment or just want to schedule your next checkup, we’re ready to help! Reach out to our Plano office today to set up an appointment with Dr. Hardin.
Plano Police Dept for Christmas Cops Drive: we’ll be a designated drop-off center working with plano PD for a christmas drive for local kids:
PSA (Plano Sports Authority): sponsored the facility with corporate sponorship for the year of 2022 to support local youth sports, set up a table to give dental goods away to families are sporting events
Plano Senior High School: raffled of free orthodontic case with purchase of raffle tickets to fundraise and support the plano senior high volleyball team 2023
Plano Senior Recreation Center: attended annual wellness fair to provide dental education and literature as well as dental goodies
Twin Rivers at Collin Creek active adult community: Dr went and talked about oral health with the residents and answered dental related questions
Solstice Senior Living: did free dental consults for residents by appointment, on-site. Offered Q&A sessions for residents
Brookdale Collin Oaks: gave oral health presentation and did Q&A session for questions regarding oral health. Gave away dental supplies
Filipino Santacruzan Cultral Festival: participated in annual festivities with a booth to support the filipino community in Plano