What Can I Expect from a Tooth Extraction Treatment?

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westparkvill @ 2:31 pm
A dentist showing a patient her tooth after extraction

Tooth extraction is usually the last resort for any dentist. They would rather help you to keep all of your natural teeth and restore your pearly whites when they’ve been damaged. However, situations arise where salvaging a tooth isn’t possible, or the extraction would benefit your overall oral health.If you want to know how dentists perform extractions, and what they feel like, continue reading. This guide will take you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Evaluation

Once your need for an extraction has been determined, your dentist will begin by examining your tooth and reviewing your medical history. They may take X-rays to assess the tooth’s position and the surrounding bone. Based on this evaluation, they will determine the most suitable approach for extraction.

Step 2: Anesthesia

As the procedure begins in earnest, your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. For most extractions, this is enough. However, in some cases like surgical extractions or multiple tooth removals, you may elect to use some form of sedation to for further pain-diminishment and relaxation.

Step 3: Extraction

Once the area is numb, your dentist will use specialized instruments to loosen the tooth within its socket. The tooth is moved back and forth until it can be easily removed. You may feel some pressure during this step, but you shouldn’t experience any pain.

Step 4: After-Care and Recovery

After the tooth is removed, your dentist will pack the area with gauze to promote clotting and provide instructions for treating the socket. This usually includes staying away from spicy foods, avoiding the extraction site while brushing, and not creating suction in your mouth or using straws.

All of these actions could irritate the extraction site or cause “dry socket” to occur, exposing the bone and nerves underneath. While extraction may seem daunting, advances in dentistry have made the procedure generally straightforward and pain-free.

Your dentist will do everything they can to ensure that you have a positive experience throughout the process. If you have concerns or questions about your upcoming tooth extraction, don’t hesitate to discuss them with your dentist. Their goal is to make the procedure as smooth as possible.

About the Author

Dr. Jordan Hardin is a talented and professional dentist with a passion for helping people. He believes that dental treatment is something to be enjoyed, not dreaded. Dr. Hardin earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Nebraska College of Dentistry in Lincoln and has since then expanded his knowledge of techniques and technology through multiple professional organizations. To schedule an extraction at Westpark Village Dental Care, call (972) 597-1974 or visit the website to discover other services.